Water Wave in Yin and Ying Shape Wallpaper Design


The way of softness, ease, harmonious power.

I'm Resonating

water ,water splash

An alternative to the Stress Highway

The given lifestyle we were born into is one rooted in tension, effort, and force. It need not be this way. This conditioning is superimposed upon a natural way of living that is radically different... through ease, effortlessness, and relaxation. It's already here and fully developed... so the name of the game is dissolving the conditioning. It's a big undertaking...profoundly simple yet challenging, and absolutely worth it. In fact, it doesn't make any sense not to, just like it doesn't make any sense to run a car with no oil, bad brakes, flat tires when you don't have to. What is offered at the Waterpath is guidance, support, and hands on therapy to assist others in finding their way back to their natural way of being.


Setting the Foundation

Glyph Pyramid Chart Icon
Confused Man Illustration
Glyph Pyramid Chart Icon
Male Person Illustration

Harmonizing with gravity. This entails your energy sinking downward. The deconditioning process can be reduced to dropping the energy from you head into your center of being. This is difficult due to our conditioning and the contortions our body has made

For this, I offer...hands on structural therapy, alignment coaching, troubleshooting. You cannot just align your physical body without working with the mind... They are reflections of each other.

Deep ocean background

Embracing the yinside of life...

Yoga Pose SIlhouette
Deep ocean background
Deep ocean background

The soft, the open, the dark, the still, the silent...the unknown.

Also known as meditation... although that term has been through the washing machine too much... and may even set people up for doing something.

Resolving Chaos... Shadow work

aesthetic drowning
Marine Monsters Illustration
Canoeing Vintage Illustration Vector

We inherited and cultivated insane energy patterns, correlating with restless mental and emotional energies, that surface and occasionally and run our lives through the subconscious. They can seem beyond intimidating... if they can even be seen at all... this too can be dissolved or integrating... simply yet challenging none the less.

I can help by....

Woman Applying Cosmetic Cream on Face Closeup

Your glow

starts with...

Leaves Icon

Organic, all-natural ingredients

Businesswoman Avatar Icon


skincare experts

Monoline Care Icon

Hypoallergenic, dermatologist-approved products

Our happy customers

Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from others who've tried it is invaluable.

Ellen Downing

Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials from your clients.

People love recommendations so feedback from others who've tried it is invaluable.

Gustav Shaffer

Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials from your clients. Feedback from others who've tried it is invaluable.

Thomas Larson

Meet Jonathan,

the perfect man.

Now open to new clients


(123) 456-7890




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Monster Claw

Resolving Chaos... Shadow work

Hurricane Tornado Mockup, Realistic Style
aesthetic drowning
Sea Monster Octopus

Resolving Chaos... Shadow work

Marine Monsters Illustration
Human Head Vintage Illustration
Hurricane Tornado Mockup, Realistic Style
aesthetic drowning

Embracing the yinside of life...

The soft, the open, the dark, the still, the silent...the unknown.

Also known as meditation... although that term has been through the washing machine too much... and may even set people up for doing something.

Full Moon Illustration
Textured Handdrawn Moon
Yoga Pose SIlhouette